This is or December prompt, "All I want for Christmas/Hanukkah is..." I think the team A players pretty much killed it this time, take a look.

So come play along with us!!! Please upload your projects to put flickr group so we can easily choose a winner at the end of the month. That person will get to be the guest designer for us in Febuary!!!
Speaking of fab guest designers, we will reveal our winner from last prompt in a couple days- so check back!!!!!!
Now, go flourish, go create....and upload them to our flickr!
super rad pages, girls!!!
this prompt was SOOOO much fun!!!
we truly have a GREAT team!
looking forward to The Creative Type fans to play along this month with the prompt!! :)
love them! you guys did awesome!!!
3 cards for this theme here x
Love ALL the layouts for this challenge this month. Cant wait to see what Team 2 have done!!!
I just uploaded at flickr:
Uploaded at flickr:
wow! there are some great layouts floating around Flickr! This was a great challenge this month...thanks!
great prompt, just added my LO to flickr
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